Linking our brain to the cloud..

Singularity is forecasted to happen in 2033. Fifteen years from now, we will use an interface that will replace our phones/wearables and connect our brains directly to the internet and gain access to the worlds information at a nanosecond. That is Singularity. Am I scared of Singularity? No. Do I support it? I like theContinue reading “Linking our brain to the cloud..”

Initiative: a real world solution for climate change using blockchain technology

Today I finished Initiative, a project included in my course for Solidity and Ethereum at Udemy and holds tons of potential. It allows one to become an Initiator and create an projects that can help people in need all over the world. But there is already kickstarter or indiegogo and why will we need anotherContinue reading “Initiative: a real world solution for climate change using blockchain technology”

The first of many projects in Ethereum..

I built a simple Ethereum project deployed to rinkeby network. It is part of my solidity course in Udemy and pretty proud of finishing it. The whole project taught me a lot of insights : Now I understand why Solidity programming is a strongly typed scripting language. Since blockchain technology essentially is a cryptographic databaseContinue reading “The first of many projects in Ethereum..”

98 hours, 7days workweeks..

I got in to this programming hook and it’s really weird working on code for 10 to 14 hours. I hardly speak that much, frustrated when I can’t figure out the problem for hours, debugging for more hours, practically insane. But why do I do it? I could try to seek an accounting job againContinue reading “98 hours, 7days workweeks..”

The day before the Super typhoon

Super typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Yolanda) destroyed the middle part of the Philippines in 2013. I was working in Africa as an accountant at the time. It was the strongest storm (230kph) in our country’s history. It took all the ocean waters with it and killed thousands of people and left damages in billionsContinue reading “The day before the Super typhoon”

Building a YouTube prototype

This project was included in my course on blockchain/ethereum/solidity and because I needed a lot of practice in Reactjs, I dived into it over the weekend. It paid off. It was a grear flex for my coding skills and nerd eyes(ability to read machine language, someguy named Stef from Canada calls it as that). IContinue reading “Building a YouTube prototype”

A reactJs story. Coding robofriends four times.

Coding is like a high prison wall that you need to climb every day. But it’s not Why I focused on repeating the same project four times.. I need to become good in Reactjs as it is the overlying environment recommended for coding on Ethereum. I tested my knowledge in JavaScript. Functions , objects, looping,Continue reading “A reactJs story. Coding robofriends four times.”

Debugging in blockchain

It’s a process. Debugging is a common coding routine for developers and I am getting used to it. But as promising as blockchain really is, a lot of technology built around Ethereum still breaks, we are still in its very early stages. Deploying a project in rinkeby network was the task today but after multipleContinue reading “Debugging in blockchain”

Scalability of blockchain technology is a major issue and it will definitely affect delivery of most ICOs

This is a very big issue now for the technology. As promising as decentralizing the world’s information and economics, scaling blockchain technology to reach mass market adoption is its biggest. Now, “Ethereum can only process seven transactions per second” which means that the maximum number of customers it can handle per day is only 604,800.Continue reading “Scalability of blockchain technology is a major issue and it will definitely affect delivery of most ICOs”

Can a stable coin create a one economy world?

I started to ponder around the idea of a universally accepted currency all around the world. As volatile cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum proved that blockchain technology allows verification of transactions, ultimately prevents hacking of accounts and accessible to anyone who has internet connection, the problems attached with the “economic attribute” of it is stillContinue reading “Can a stable coin create a one economy world?”

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