Initiative: a real world solution for climate change using blockchain technology

Today I finished Initiative, a project included in my course for Solidity and Ethereum at Udemy and holds tons of potential. It allows one to become an Initiator and create an projects that can help people in need all over the world. But there is already kickstarter or indiegogo and why will we need another copycat of these two platforms?

The answer to this question is all projects created within Initiative are controlled by the managers AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS through blockchain technology. Through the Ethereum platform, smart contracts can be executed and be through a collective consensus of all and since it’s virtually unhackable, it empowers the stakeholders to coordinate and interact through the approval system without any worry. That is the beauty of blockchain technology.

Though there is still a ton of tweaks to which details that should be added before it could be deployed in the Ethereum main network (currently deployed in rinkeby test network), I’m really looking into the matter and get some real ether and transfer them to my account then deploy it after finalizing the modifications. This project can be deployed and be used to handle projects for the Super typhoon Mangkhut victims in the norhern part of our country (Philippines).

I can accept donations in ethers (or investments?) as well, to fund the deployment to the main network since it do cost some gas and sever costs. If you’re interested email me at

PS. you’ll be needing metamask chrome extension with ethers for rinkeby network to try the web app’s features.

Initiative Project:

visit my website:

Published by Miguel de Guzman

I want a way to put stuff from my head to something useful.

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