Solidity, Mapping & Gas

Gas is the cost of using the Ethereum platform. All update and computational tasks in any smart contract from deployment to usage consumes gas. This gas is then paid to miners of the blockchain, the guys behind updating the network. Becoming a coder who knows solidity and javascript is not enough. One should exercise cautionContinue reading “Solidity, Mapping & Gas”

Initiative: a real world solution for climate change using blockchain technology

Today I finished Initiative, a project included in my course for Solidity and Ethereum at Udemy and holds tons of potential. It allows one to become an Initiator and create an projects that can help people in need all over the world. But there is already kickstarter or indiegogo and why will we need anotherContinue reading “Initiative: a real world solution for climate change using blockchain technology”

Can a stable coin create a one economy world?

I started to ponder around the idea of a universally accepted currency all around the world. As volatile cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum proved that blockchain technology allows verification of transactions, ultimately prevents hacking of accounts and accessible to anyone who has internet connection, the problems attached with the “economic attribute” of it is stillContinue reading “Can a stable coin create a one economy world?”

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