
I got weirded out with this video of bacteria being able to evolve and use antibiotics as food. It started with normal dosage then x10 the regular dosage, then x100 up to x1000 reached in 11 days. Watch the video as it might be one of the most amazing content that you’ll consume this year.Continue reading “Nanotechnology”

Linking our brain to the cloud..

Singularity is forecasted to happen in 2033. Fifteen years from now, we will use an interface that will replace our phones/wearables and connect our brains directly to the internet and gain access to the worlds information at a nanosecond. That is Singularity. Am I scared of Singularity? No. Do I support it? I like theContinue reading “Linking our brain to the cloud..”

Flow state

I genuinely feel that the last five days was my most effective learning experience for coding. I was in sync. It took me a while to get to this state. This is what experts call flow state. I guess I got into this sync after I pushed myself to code from 7am to 9pm everyday.Continue reading “Flow state”

Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility

I borrowed these words from Grant Cardone and his book the 10x rule that keeps me really in perspective. Tons of recommendations from various friends and authors for that material and I should say it’s one of my most loved book because of its power. Yup, success is for everyone but not everyone take itContinue reading “Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility”

When you’re trying to answer the wrong questions

There were a lot of interesting questions that popped in my head yesterday night after my evening reflection. How does coding align to my goal of helping more people in the world? What is the true value of coding? Can I build landing pages? What can I do when I can build landing pages? AmContinue reading “When you’re trying to answer the wrong questions”

The ridiculous gift of “life”

Luck didn’t just miraculously come from the heavens and ignite the angels to sing to me every night with lullabies thus, allowing me to enjoy these life changing experiences. I just decided that I will always frame my feelings, beliefs and decisions to abundance and positivity. One of the most controllable outcomes in life isContinue reading “The ridiculous gift of “life””

What is your goal in life?

I ask this question everyday after my morning meditation. Every time I acquire new nuggets of knowledge that collapses my previously asserted assumptions, the answer to this question changes. This quote is running into my head: I focus on becoming better and better at coding and writing every day both will give me more freedomContinue reading “What is your goal in life?”

modern day parenting

We form our basic understanding the moment we are born in this world, totally out of our control. Our parents are responsible for providing our initial education, values and resources. They are responsible for our learning structures. This is how it has been in the modern era. Parents are on a trial and error approach.Continue reading “modern day parenting”

A life of no regrets..

I saw the power of doing good while helping build Navotac in Calibangbangan Island. It was a year of bliss, struggle and learning. I met a lot of people and obstacles. I eventually found out that I am capable of helping people through creating jobs. It gave me an untapped inner reward that is unmatchedContinue reading “A life of no regrets..”

my DaVinci code..

I write and code to learn. Every morning I read about resistance, stoicism, make to-do tasks and self-assessment questions, apply gratitude thinking and then write my reflections in a digital notebook. I try to create content rich daily blogs in this website. Normally a buffet of things that I believe can help other people reflectContinue reading “my DaVinci code..”

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