The obstacle is the way

I’m in the most challenging phase of my life right now. The goal is to unlock my potential.. Not all may understand why I do what I do. But it’s okay, the only thing that matters is that I’m aware of that inner voice, that drive to bring long lasting impact to the world, whateverContinue reading “The obstacle is the way”

98 hours, 7days workweeks..

I got in to this programming hook and it’s really weird working on code for 10 to 14 hours. I hardly speak that much, frustrated when I can’t figure out the problem for hours, debugging for more hours, practically insane. But why do I do it? I could try to seek an accounting job againContinue reading “98 hours, 7days workweeks..”

If the work is easy, there is no value in it.

Coding 10 to 16 hrs 7days a week. The process looks like this: Confusion. Falling asleep while watching lessons or coding. Anxiety. Questioning yourself. Becoming fearful of the future. Realizing that fear is inevitable. Finding strength in struggling. Becoming comfortable with code again. Debugging at a faster rate Lesser headaches, finally understanding the error messagesContinue reading “If the work is easy, there is no value in it.”

Flow state

I genuinely feel that the last five days was my most effective learning experience for coding. I was in sync. It took me a while to get to this state. This is what experts call flow state. I guess I got into this sync after I pushed myself to code from 7am to 9pm everyday.Continue reading “Flow state”

The human guinea pig (as he calls himself)

Timothy Ferriss laid down the foundation for all the wonderful experiences and teachings the world can offer. His experiments, books, podcast and blogs channeled throughout the world and created a revolution of lifestyle design and independent thinkers. But what he had accomplished is reachable to all, everyone who is willing to risk it all andContinue reading “The human guinea pig (as he calls himself)”

The ridiculous gift of “life”

Luck didn’t just miraculously come from the heavens and ignite the angels to sing to me every night with lullabies thus, allowing me to enjoy these life changing experiences. I just decided that I will always frame my feelings, beliefs and decisions to abundance and positivity. One of the most controllable outcomes in life isContinue reading “The ridiculous gift of “life””

What is your goal in life?

I ask this question everyday after my morning meditation. Every time I acquire new nuggets of knowledge that collapses my previously asserted assumptions, the answer to this question changes. This quote is running into my head: I focus on becoming better and better at coding and writing every day both will give me more freedomContinue reading “What is your goal in life?”


What’s the worst thing that could happen? Can it kill you? Can you not recover from the setback? Is the danger strong enough to cause you a that you fear what others might say to you? More often than not is there is part truth to everything that we are afraid of. The fear ofContinue reading “Fear”

A simple and powerful quote..

This quote is from the book the Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hansselman. But originally is part of Marcus Aurelius’ legacy to the world. Reflecting on the quote brings clarity to the fact that it is very hard to comprehend how we as a species became so complex in the way we walkContinue reading “A simple and powerful quote..”

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