Grit for coding and life

What I’ve been trying to develop within my skillset is Grit for the past month a half. More commonly known as persistence, it enables successful athletes, influencers & leaders to punch through any obstacle no matter what. This is very important as a programmer in the blockchain space, where there are tons of problems toContinue reading “Grit for coding and life”

98 hours, 7days workweeks..

I got in to this programming hook and it’s really weird working on code for 10 to 14 hours. I hardly speak that much, frustrated when I can’t figure out the problem for hours, debugging for more hours, practically insane. But why do I do it? I could try to seek an accounting job againContinue reading “98 hours, 7days workweeks..”

Flow state

I genuinely feel that the last five days was my most effective learning experience for coding. I was in sync. It took me a while to get to this state. This is what experts call flow state. I guess I got into this sync after I pushed myself to code from 7am to 9pm everyday.Continue reading “Flow state”

Just keep pushing..

I overlooked some ideas for my project “smash failure” ( I’m not able to check if people willing to pay for success coaching and the scope is too broad. On the brighter side the project gives tremendous clarity on why we humans fail even if we don’t want too. I love the concept of helpingContinue reading “Just keep pushing..”

Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility

I borrowed these words from Grant Cardone and his book the 10x rule that keeps me really in perspective. Tons of recommendations from various friends and authors for that material and I should say it’s one of my most loved book because of its power. Yup, success is for everyone but not everyone take itContinue reading “Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility”

Minimum Viable Skills

This is something I learned over the past few days. On whatever your starting may it be a project, a business, a new job….What I would recommend is tl focus only on acquiring the minimum skills needed to perform or create the business and then take the leap of faith to start it. Oftentimes weContinue reading “Minimum Viable Skills”

The ridiculous gift of “life”

Luck didn’t just miraculously come from the heavens and ignite the angels to sing to me every night with lullabies thus, allowing me to enjoy these life changing experiences. I just decided that I will always frame my feelings, beliefs and decisions to abundance and positivity. One of the most controllable outcomes in life isContinue reading “The ridiculous gift of “life””

The choices you make, creates you.

I always find it a hard time hearing people complain. Complaining doesn’t solve the problem. When you complain, you become a problem. The choices you make, creates you. The problem: You draw the comfort of blaming. It’s the easiest to do. Lash out at the ill, the lost or the dead. The inanimate. The news.Continue reading “The choices you make, creates you.”

Gary Vaynerchuk

400,000,000,000,000 to 1. The odds of becoming a human being. Gary said it best and we should be grateful all the time as a human. We don’t have the right to complain. We don’t even have the right to be lazy or to question life. All of us have problems. We all breathe adversity. WeContinue reading “Gary Vaynerchuk”

Live your dreams..

Most of the time you tend to stop pursuing your dreams because of fear of other people’s opinions. The moment you accept those words in your head is the moment you become part of the problem and you trigger a chain reaction. You now help spread the fear. Others feel it too. It is devastatingContinue reading “Live your dreams..”

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