The obstacle is the way

I’m in the most challenging phase of my life right now. The goal is to unlock my potential.. Not all may understand why I do what I do. But it’s okay, the only thing that matters is that I’m aware of that inner voice, that drive to bring long lasting impact to the world, whateverContinue reading “The obstacle is the way”

Why the Philippines haven’t taken off economically..

Cultural immersion. This culture that was created by the Government, schools and media have corrupted the minds of people. Education systems halted creativity. Filipinos lost their hearts and got pushed to working jobs that they’re not passionate about. Many great ideas never got created. Just destroyed dreams or never dreamt at all. If you askContinue reading “Why the Philippines haven’t taken off economically..”

What is blockchain?

Most people think that bitcoin and blockchain are synonymous. It’s not the same thing. Blockchain is the technology behind bitcoin. Blockchain is a network of databases called “blocks” that contains either monetary value and / or information. These blocks have three key features: Data – Data represents the information about the transaction recorded. Hash –Continue reading “What is blockchain?”

Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility

I borrowed these words from Grant Cardone and his book the 10x rule that keeps me really in perspective. Tons of recommendations from various friends and authors for that material and I should say it’s one of my most loved book because of its power. Yup, success is for everyone but not everyone take itContinue reading “Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility”

Kwik Learning technique applied in JavaScript

Getting back to coding after four days was hard as I needed to focus on the Mindvalley initial interview. I made it and now waiting for the 2nd interview. But now I’m back to doing coding stuff! Focusing on the basics again (html, CSS and JavaScript). I’m illustrating also my representation of the way JavaScriptContinue reading “Kwik Learning technique applied in JavaScript”

humanity+ or humanity-?

I decided that when I left Navotac last month that I would either engage only one these three things till the I die: Plant more trees Computer coding Education These areas of interest are the only things that wouldn’t destroy nature and have the capacity to make long lasting positive impact. Life is short, anythingContinue reading “humanity+ or humanity-?”

modern day parenting

We form our basic understanding the moment we are born in this world, totally out of our control. Our parents are responsible for providing our initial education, values and resources. They are responsible for our learning structures. This is how it has been in the modern era. Parents are on a trial and error approach.Continue reading “modern day parenting”

A life of no regrets..

I saw the power of doing good while helping build Navotac in Calibangbangan Island. It was a year of bliss, struggle and learning. I met a lot of people and obstacles. I eventually found out that I am capable of helping people through creating jobs. It gave me an untapped inner reward that is unmatchedContinue reading “A life of no regrets..”

my DaVinci code..

I write and code to learn. Every morning I read about resistance, stoicism, make to-do tasks and self-assessment questions, apply gratitude thinking and then write my reflections in a digital notebook. I try to create content rich daily blogs in this website. Normally a buffet of things that I believe can help other people reflectContinue reading “my DaVinci code..”

Where did we meet again? (my first React Web App)

Finally, I was able to do a real project and finished it and have discovered for myself the true power of React. React is a library created by Facebook and now adapted by a lot of companies worldwide (like Instagram & Netflix). The library allows a web developer to create components and mash them upContinue reading “Where did we meet again? (my first React Web App)”

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