Grit for coding and life

What I’ve been trying to develop within my skillset is Grit for the past month a half. More commonly known as persistence, it enables successful athletes, influencers & leaders to punch through any obstacle no matter what. This is very important as a programmer in the blockchain space, where there are tons of problems toContinue reading “Grit for coding and life”

98 hours, 7days workweeks..

I got in to this programming hook and it’s really weird working on code for 10 to 14 hours. I hardly speak that much, frustrated when I can’t figure out the problem for hours, debugging for more hours, practically insane. But why do I do it? I could try to seek an accounting job againContinue reading “98 hours, 7days workweeks..”

Flow state

I genuinely feel that the last five days was my most effective learning experience for coding. I was in sync. It took me a while to get to this state. This is what experts call flow state. I guess I got into this sync after I pushed myself to code from 7am to 9pm everyday.Continue reading “Flow state”

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