
I got weirded out with this video of bacteria being able to evolve and use antibiotics as food. It started with normal dosage then x10 the regular dosage, then x100 up to x1000 reached in 11 days. Watch the video as it might be one of the most amazing content that you’ll consume this year.

It’s so serile to see the world in the perspective of a single-celled life form. They could be thought of machines as well, they use biofuel and respond to commands or communicates through electricity as well.

When we use microscopes we see another brand of universe hiding in a glass of water or even a drop blood.

I am a big fan of Iron man most especially when he used the nanotechnology suit mk-55 to fight Thanos mano-y-mano. True to fact at this day and age, a lot of companies are investing on genomics, biotechnology and nanotechnology. They think that this is the holy grail to solve cancer or any kind of sickness, our food supply or even surviving space.

I’ll be creating a one day build website on nanotechnology tomorrow. It’s my way of diving deeper in this mind boggling topic.

visit my website:

Published by Miguel de Guzman

I want a way to put stuff from my head to something useful.

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