Building on Eos.. and the Initiative project

After contemplating on issues of scalability that Ethereum has a month ago and seeing that how Vitalik Buterin is not aiming to improve the technology, my gut tells me that I should explore options on where to take my development experiments and it took me to Eos.

Eos shows a lot of promise. It’s backed by a great team and the vision for the plarform is more directed to providing value to it’s users. I have done two introductory courses with Eos dublin brought me to seeing how it works and understanding the goals of Eos from its Dan Larimer CTO and co-founder.

Well it’s going to be a little bit challenging since my operating system is running on windows and the current build that they have is available only for Mac, Linux and Ubuntu. I might try to use virtual machines tomorrow and it will be an awesome (or excruciating) experience hopefully.

Another thing is learning C++. This will be a great opportunity to learn the hardest and one of the oldest programming languages to-date. It is explained that it will run on the web using web assembly. Let’s see.

Yesterday I have finished the final build for the Initiative project for the Ethereum platform but now that I have decided on trying Eos, I will be focusing on rebuilding the Initiative project in that platform.

Another platform, another clallenge in the blockchain space. Let’s see.

The InitiativeProject aims to provide a solution for managing donations and distributions on a decentralized blockchain. Empowering the public with the ability to create campaigns of great importance and help people all over the world without the need to interact with banks and other intermediaries. Check out the link to try it out.

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Published by Miguel de Guzman

I want a way to put stuff from my head to something useful.

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